Welcome to The ME2045 Group J Crane Project Blog page!

This entire site is to give a guide to Group J`s efforts to design a small portable crane for use in disaster relief before our final submission of work and our presentation.

Following our first meeting (See the Minute Meetings Topic for reference) the following positions have been allocated;

D.Scriven Project Manager
R.Sidhu Chief Designer
H.Singh Sall Finnance Officer
J.Sidhu Materials Specialist
R.Shukla Stress Analysis

For Our Progress up to date please see the Project Plan below and then head to the relevant topic and we hope you find our work interesting!

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Winches Research (ii)

The above provides information on maximum load outs on each of the different types of Grip Hoist Winches as well as possible pulley - winch arrangements that could be intergrated into the final design of the crane.

Sources: http://www.kk.org/cooltools/archives/000070.php


Other Less Useful Winches

Snubbing Winch

‘This is a vertical spool with a ratchet mechanism similar to a conventional winch, but with no crank handle or other form of drive.The line is wrapped around the spool and can be tightened and reeled in by pulling the tail line, the winch takes the load once the pull is stopped with little operator tension needed to hold it. They also allow controlled release of the tension by the operator using the friction of the line around the ratcheted spool. They are used on small sailing boats and dingies to control sheets and other lines, and in larger applications to supplement and relieve tension on the primary winch mechanisms.’ - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winch

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