Welcome to The ME2045 Group J Crane Project Blog page!

This entire site is to give a guide to Group J`s efforts to design a small portable crane for use in disaster relief before our final submission of work and our presentation.

Following our first meeting (See the Minute Meetings Topic for reference) the following positions have been allocated;

D.Scriven Project Manager
R.Sidhu Chief Designer
H.Singh Sall Finnance Officer
J.Sidhu Materials Specialist
R.Shukla Stress Analysis

For Our Progress up to date please see the Project Plan below and then head to the relevant topic and we hope you find our work interesting!

Friday 23 April 2010

Forces/Stress Calculation (ii)

This means that the total pressure acting downwards on the first box support is –

Finding the area of the circular support –

Π x [(140-120)/2]2 = 314mm2 = 0.314m2

Therefore the stress acting on the surface area of the circular support is (Using s = F/A)

s = 30211.44/0.314 = 96214.78Nm-2

As there are four supporting strut ‘legs’, the total force would be equally distributed along them as such:

30211.44/4 = 7552.86N per ‘leg’

Through the individual rods attached to the ‘legs’ -

a = 7552.86 x cos30 = 6540.96N

b = 7552.86 x cos60 = 3776.43N

c = 7552.86 x cos60 = 3776.43N

The second boom/box support has the combined forces of the previous boom/box supports weight as well as the total weight of the boom with maximum load and counterweight.

Using previously done calculations of structure weight –

Therefore, the approximate mass of the boom support can be assumed to be ~ 27.6kg = 270.48N

So the total force acting down on the second boom support is 270.48 + 30211.44 = 30481.92N

Overall force acting downwards on the structure is – 52.5 + 27.6 + 27.6 + (13.4x4) = 161.3kg

Which is 1580.74N of force, as well as the force of the weight and counterweights which gives

9800 + 19870.48 + 1580.74N = 31251.22N

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