Welcome to The ME2045 Group J Crane Project Blog page!

This entire site is to give a guide to Group J`s efforts to design a small portable crane for use in disaster relief before our final submission of work and our presentation.

Following our first meeting (See the Minute Meetings Topic for reference) the following positions have been allocated;

D.Scriven Project Manager
R.Sidhu Chief Designer
H.Singh Sall Finnance Officer
J.Sidhu Materials Specialist
R.Shukla Stress Analysis

For Our Progress up to date please see the Project Plan below and then head to the relevant topic and we hope you find our work interesting!

Sunday 18 April 2010

Design Evaluation

Design Evaluation

After creating a variety of designs for potential solutions to the Emergency Crane issue, each design must be put through an evaluation phase to determine its ability to serve as a good solution.

The following table evaluates the designs against the four stated criteria. A further fifth criteria that looks into the structural strength of the design, this is necessary since such large loads will be lifted by the crane, the strength of the structure must be enough to meet the demands of the application for the crane.

The results are out of 10 for each criteria and a maximum of 50 points are available. A score of 50 would indicate a perfect solution, a score of 0 would indicate a useless solution.


The results indicate that design 1 would be most suitable, although some aspects of the design need to be improved upon to make it an even better solution.

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