Welcome to The ME2045 Group J Crane Project Blog page!

This entire site is to give a guide to Group J`s efforts to design a small portable crane for use in disaster relief before our final submission of work and our presentation.

Following our first meeting (See the Minute Meetings Topic for reference) the following positions have been allocated;

D.Scriven Project Manager
R.Sidhu Chief Designer
H.Singh Sall Finnance Officer
J.Sidhu Materials Specialist
R.Shukla Stress Analysis

For Our Progress up to date please see the Project Plan below and then head to the relevant topic and we hope you find our work interesting!

Tuesday 6 April 2010

CAD Progress

The CAD is coming along!

As I said  the inital CAD prototype will be issued this friday to enable everyone to do their material caluclations. When we re-meet up after the easter the design will be updated and changed accordingly  and any other  changes needed/or liked  can be added.

For now, here are a few screenshots;
   The first drawing is assembly made usign blocks. It was motion-modeled to show how the crane would move. (Video Coming later!).

Next the blocks were turned into parts; Here  the two tower blocks were changed into a Box frame as shown above.

Here is a protoype of the  flanges  proposed to go onto the frame to enable the legs to be removed. The flanges from the other access points and corners arent shown here.

A mock of the clasp proposed to hold our two blocks of the tower together.

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